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Study Abroad Trip Photo

Study Abroad

Study Abroad

An experience abroad can be a transformative experience for students who take advantage of the opportunity.

Peru State College offers several opportunities for students to study abroad. Typically, faculty leaders offer study abroad courses during the spring semester with the trip abroad during the early part of the summer. There are also individual experiences that can be arranged.

With many study abroad opportunities, Financial Aid can be applied towards trip expenses. Additionally, the “PeruQuest” scholarship is available for eligible students for these experiences.

South Africa

11-days in South Africa with activities focused on coastal conservation and game reserve management with activities likely to include sharks, marine mammals, birds and terrestrial mammal ecology and biodiversity conservation.

Please contact Lukas Klicka for further inquiries and to express interest in attending the trip. Additional trip information can be found at

The Holocaust in Europe

11-days in Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic!  This trip is focused on learning more about the Holocaust and includes a visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau.  We will visit several museums and monuments dedicated to victims of the Holocaust.  Additional aspects of the trip include seeing Checkpoint Charlie, the St. Vitus Cathedral, and the Dragon of Krakow.  If you are interested in history and great food, come join us in Europe.  

Please contact Dr. Jason Phillips for further inquiries and to express interest in attending the trip.

Additional trip information can be found at

Study Abroad Contact

For more information about Peru State College Study Abroad opportunities, contact us at or call 402-872-2222.

Study Abroad Advantages

  • Enhance your awareness of the world around you by studying abroad. To be an educated citizen today requires students to able to see the world through others' eyes and to understand the international dimensions of the problems we confront as a nation skills that are enhanced by an education abroad experience.
  • Enhance your academic learning by studying abroad. A study abroad experience will introduce you to new professors who can expose you to new viewpoints beyond your campus, and a diverse student body that can introduce you to different customs and cultures. A study abroad experience also lets you expand your academic learning outside of the classroom, because you live what you are learning.
  • Strengthen your leadership skills by studying abroad. An educational opportunity outside the United States can be among the most valuable tools for preparing a student to participate and lead effectively in an increasingly interconnected international community that demands cross-cultural skills and knowledge.
  • Advance your career by studying abroad. In today's increasingly global society, obtaining international skills and knowledge can make you more marketable in getting a job and more productive once you're in the job.
  • Experience significant personal growth by studying abroad. Students who study abroad discover that in the process of learning about other countries and culture they end up learning more about themselves in ways that simply cannot be replicated in the comforting and familiar confines of an American campus.
  • Increase your knowledge of foreign languages by studying abroad. Immersion in another language is one of the best ways to gain proficiency in that language.

PeruQuest Scholarship

PeruQuest is a scholarship funded by student fees to support international experiences for Peru State students. Students who may qualify for the PeruQuest Scholarship should meet the following criteria, upon application.

  • Have earned a 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • Not be on disciplinary probation
  • Completed at least 30 credit hours at Peru State College
  • Have letter of support from a faculty member
  • Need to complete an application process
  • Need to be an on-campus students (Fully online students are ineligible for the scholarship. Online students may travel with the group, but they are not eligible for PeruQuest scholarship money.)

Download the Study Abroad Academic Recommendation Form and have three faculty or staff complete the form. They should send the completed form directly to the faculty member leading your trip.

Education trip to Finland & Sweden (May 2019)

Dr. Spencer Vogt and Dr. Darolyn Seay lead a study abroad trip to Finland and Sweden in May 2019. Students toured Helsinki and Stockholm as they learned about the educational systems in these two countries.

Costa Rica Trip Photo

History of Psychology in Europe (May 2018)

Professors Danny Hayes, Amber Mahan, and Jim Nevitt led a study abroad trip to Europe in May 2018. Students toured Vienna, London and Amsterdam as they learned about topics within Psychology, Criminal Justice, Social Science, Art and History.

Psychology in Europe

History of Psychology in Europe (May 2016)

In May of 2016, seventeen students along with three sponsors visited London, Paris and Amsterdam on a ten-day “History of Psychology” tour. While in London, they visited the British Museum of Natural History, took the “Jack the Ripper Tour”, visited Darwin’s Down House and the Freud museum where Sigmund Freud lived during his last years with his daughter Anna Freud. In Paris, students and faculty visited the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and attended a lecture on Psychoanalysis. The trip concluded with a canal ride and visits to the Anne Frank House and Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.

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