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Disability Services

Mission Statement

Peru State College Disability Services provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations to qualified students with disabilities and assures them equal access to campus programs and activities.

Step-by-Step Process for Requesting Accommodations at Peru State

  • To receive services students should complete the Student Initial Request for Accommodation Form and provide the requested documentation. Completing the form is the first step to receiving accommodations at Peru State College. This form is not a replacement for a formal consultation with the Disability Services Coordinator nor is it a binding agreement to provide services.

    The Disability Services Coordinator can also be reached by email at, by personal contact in the Center for Achievement and Transition Services (CATS) Building or by telephone at 402-872-2425.

  • Each student needs to schedule a consultation appointment with the Disability Services Coordinator to discuss the documentation necessary to receive services and complete the formal disability services application. Based on the documentation, written request and conversations with the student, the Coordinator will help determine if a student is eligible for Disability Services and notifies the students of his/her status.

    When a student is identified with a qualifying disability, the Coordinator works with the student to develop a plan for reasonable accommodation and the student completes a privacy release to share information on campus. This document identifies relevant instructors and staff - including current course instructors, an academic advisor or staff in Residence Life - with whom the Coordinator may discuss the student's request for accommodation.

  • A student seeking accommodation must provide the Disability Coordinator with written disability documentation that reflects current abilities supporting the requested accommodation during the consultation appointment.

    To meet Peru State standards for accommodation, documentation must be current (typically no older than five years) and include:

    • A clear and current diagnosis of the student’s condition by a qualified professional.
    • Credentials of the evaluator or a statement of the evaluator’s qualifications.
    • Relevant educational, developmental, or medical history; and/or results of a psycho-educational evaluation.
    • A description of the functional limitations of the condition.
    • The tests and assessments used to arrive at the diagnosis.
    • Specific accommodations recommended by the qualified professional and supported by the diagnosis and functional limitations.

    Types of documentation typically submitted by students with disabilities include the following:

    • High school records such as an Individual Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, Summary of Progress (SOP), or Multidisciplinary Team Report (MDT).
    • Evaluation by medical personnel, including diagnosis.
    • Results of a psycho-educational battery of tests performed by a licensed psychologist/psychiatrist.
    • Current medical records, including diagnosis and prognosis.

    A student may directly send documentation materials to the Disability Coordinator by mail or email. Students should contact their care provider(s) directly to have documentation sent to Peru State.

    Written documentation received is housed in CATS 102 as confidential material, reviewed by the Disability Coordinator, and used to make a determination about eligibility for accommodations.

    Peru State College has the right to deny or delay a request for reasonable accommodation, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids if documentation does not meet the institution’s requirements or is not received in time to arrange them.

  • After appropriate accommodations have been determined, and any necessary supplemental paperwork is complete, a copy of the letter listing accommodations requested is also provided to the student.

    During the first week of classes, each student is strongly encouraged to speak to instructors about using accommodations and follow-up with the Disability Coordinator regarding any barriers encountered in implementing the plan. The student is required to notify the Disability Coordinator immediately of any changes in class schedule so letters of accommodation can be sent to appropriate instructors.

  • Step Four is repeated by the student near the end of each term in order to arrange accommodations for the next term. Each student needs to speak to the Disability Coordinator and sign paperwork to make this extend this request for the following semester. Students should plan to complete this step after registering for classes.

Responsibilities of Students Using Disability Services

  • Letting instructors know they have a disability and are seeking accommodation.
  • Following-up with instructors once accommodation request letters have been sent to be sure both parties agree on the plan for reasonable accommodation.
  • Working with instructors and following requirements for arranging testing accommodations in the CATS Building at least two school days ahead of requested test dates.
  • Promptly notifying the Disability Coordinator about any barriers encountered during implementation of the plan for reasonable accommodation or dissatisfaction with services provided.
  • Visiting with the Disability Coordinator near the end of each term to complete required paperwork for requesting accommodations for the next term.
  • Attending classes regularly and maintaining academic standards required by the College.
  • Abiding by the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Meeting their educational and personal needs while enrolled at Peru State.

Arranging Testing Accommodations in CATS

Students must be approved for test-taking accommodations through the Disability Services.

Approved students are responsible for scheduling tests in advance. Every test or examination requires a new Request for Testing Accommodations form. The Request for Testing Accommodations form must be signed by the student and the instructor of the course.

The form may be returned to the Disability Coordinator in person or by instructor e-mail. This form must be on file in CATS 102 at least two (2) school days before the requested testing date and time.

Please refer to the form below for more information.

Student Request to Schedule Test Accommodations Form

Accommodated Testing Procedures

  • Students using test proctoring services in CATS are expected to arrive on time. Late arrivals may be subject to rescheduling.

    Upon arrival, students are asked to secure their belongings in one of the lockers near the CATS front entrance. Cell phones are not allowed in the testing room.

    The staff proctor will accompany the student to the testing location and verify the student only has approved testing materials listed on the Request for Testing Accommodations form.

    The proctor will record the start time and monitor the student and testing location for test security purposes.

    At the end of the allotted time, the proctor will collect the test, whether or not the student is finished and record the stop time on the Request for Testing Accommodations Form.

    When the test has been completed, the CATS staff member will return it to the instructor via the process specified. The student may then retrieve their personal items and return the lock and key to the front desk.

    Note: Instructors and CATS staff expect students to complete their tests in accordance with instructor guidelines and the Student Code of Conduct.

    During testing, if a student is found to have non-approved study aides in the testing room, the test will be stopped by the proctor.  The time will be noted on the Request for Testing Accommodations form and the materials and the test will be taken and secured so the instructor can determine a course of action.

    If a proctor directly observes a student committing any act of academic dishonesty, the proctor will stop the test.  The time will be noted on the Request for Testing Accommodations form and the materials and the test will be taken and secured so the instructor can determine a course of action.

  • Instructors provide instructions and advise the CATS staff about what test-related materials have been approved for student use during the test (e.g., calculators, notes, textbooks, etc.) on the completed Request for Testing Accommodations form. If the instructor does not list a test-related material on the Request for Testing Accommodations form, it will not be allowed in the testing room for student use.

    When an instructor provides testing materials, CATS staff will store them in a locked test drawer until the student arrives.

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