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Academic Probation / Bobcat Success Coaching

Students placed on academic probation are provided Bobcat Success Coaching to help them succeed in their courses and achieve good academic standing.

Success Coaches work one-on-one with students to design goals and steps to achieve them, provide guidance and access to support services, monitor progress, and facilitate input from instructors regarding course progress.

The following steps will guide you as you begin your journey back to good academic standing:

  1. Complete and submit the on-line Academic Probation Contract and Self-Assessment by clicking here: Academic Probation Contract and Self-Assessment.
  2. Before the start of the semester, you will receive an email from your Bobcat Success Coach detailing your next steps.
  3. Students who are on Academic Probation must agree to the provisions of the Academic Probation Contract which include but are not limited to enrollment restrictions and academic probation advisor meetings.  Failure to meet any of these requirements may be subject to administrative withdrawal.  Please review the college catalog for full policy details.

Academic Probation and Financial Aid Probation are two different conditions. Please click here to access information on Financial Aid and Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Understanding Academic Status

Provisional Admission

  1. New students entering Peru State College on a provisional admission status are placed on Academic Probation and are subject to all of the terms of Academic Probation Contract.
  2. Provisionally admitted students not meeting the minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) requirement after their first semester are subject to Academic Suspension.

Academic Probation

  1. Students with a cumulative GPA average of 1.00-1.99 at the close of a semester are placed on Academic Probation.

Academic Suspension

  1. Students who have a cumulative GPA below 1.00 at the close of a semester are suspended.
  2. Students who start the term on probation and have a cumulative GPA less than 2.0 at the close of the semester are suspended unless the semester GPA is 2.0 or higher, in which case the status will be Continued Academic Probation.
    • Academic suspension following the first suspension is for a period lasting one semester.
    • In case of a second suspension, the period of suspension will last two semesters.
  3. Students who are suspended may appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs if they wish to return to college prior to serving the suspension period.  If the appeal is approved, the student will be on probation status and will be held to the standards for probation students.

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