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A potrait of Dr. Brandon Ruehle

Dr. Brandon Ruehle

Assistant Professor of Biology

School of Arts and Sciences

Degree Major Institution Year
PhD Zoology University of Otago 2020
MS Biological Sciences Tarleton State University 2016
BS Biology Texas A&M University 2013
  • Dr. Brandon Ruehle worked as a Natural Resource Scientist, focusing on freshwater ecological management and monitoring, for Te Kaunihera ā rohe o Te Taitokerau – Northland Regional Council in Te Taitokerau Northland, New Zealand. Leading up to this position, he spent a summer as a Freshwater Fisheries Technician at the Waikato Regional Council monitoring freshwater fish populations throughout the Waikato Region of New Zealand. He completed his PhD in Zoology at the University of Otago – Te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo in Ōtepoti Dunedin, New Zealand where he investigated the impacts of an eye-dwelling parasite on the behavior of its fish host. Prior to New Zealand, he completed a MSc in Biological Sciences at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas, and wrote a thesis on the impacts of parasitic infection on the reproductive output of freshwater fishes. Throughout this time, Dr. Ruehle has taught laboratory sections in Anatomy and Physiology, Introductory Biology, Animal Behaviour, and Freshwater Ecology as a graduate assistant at the respective universities and an adjunct faculty member at Collin and Navarro Colleges in Texas. He also taught Introductory Biology lectures at Collin College as an adjunct professor. Dr. Ruehle is broadly interested in freshwater ecology, behavior, and the role parasites play in affecting them.

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