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Natural Disaster Emergencies

If You Discover A Fire…  

DO NOT PANIC – Remember : ( R – E – D )  

  • React – Take alarms, indication of smoke or fire seriously. Warn others, activate the alarm.
  • Evaluate – Judge the level of threat & conditions of immediate area; and the needs of others.
  • Decide – Two choices: Follow the plan & leave immediately; if you are unable to leave move to a safe area and take defensive action (faculty/staff should direct students to that area). 

Anyone reporting a fire or explosion should call 911 or campus security at 402-872-2411. 

The person calling should be ready to provide the following vital information: 

  • Location (*Building and Room number if known)
  • Type of fire or explosion if known (e.g., trash, electrical, chemical, etc.)
  • Extent of the fire
  • Caller’s name
  • Number/location of injured persons.

Students, Faculty and Staff in an affected building should: 

  • Ensure all students evacuate in a prompt and orderly manner, and go to a designated
  • evacuation point.
  • Faculty and Staff should count heads as students and other staff leave a particular room, in route to the safe zone or the designated evacuation point.
  • Evacuees should organize themselves in groups of three and use the buddy system for safe evacuation. Supervise and assist those individuals with mobility issues. If they do not have a buddy, the faculty member responsible for the class will need to assign one or two people to assist this individual. 
  • Keep all students a safe distance from the affected building at an evacuation assembly point and do a head count to assure that all students are out of the building and relocate them to a safe area.
  • Maintain a clear path of access for emergency vehicles.
  • Do not return to the evacuated building until specifically instructed to do so by Peru State College Security.

Evacuation Points for each building

  • Administration: Quad in front of Jindra
  • Library: Quad in front of Jindra
  • Cats: Quad in front of Jindra
  • Student Center: Quad in front of Jindra
  • TJ majors: Quad in front of CATS
  • AV Larson: In front of TJ Majors
  • Jindra: Quad in front of Library
  • Hoyt: Quad in front of Library
  • Jerry Joy Locker Room/Field House: Across Street at Practice Field
  • AWAC: Across Street Parking Lot E behind library
  • Campus Services: Outside PAC
  • PAC: Quad in front of Library
  • Morgan Hall: Quad in front of Jindra
  • Delzell Hall: Across Street to Lot H Upper or Outside Basketball court area
  • Complex:
  • Mathews, Nicholas, Pate, and Palmer: Lot A at Baseball Field
  • Davidson and Clayburn: Lot B by water tower
  • Faculty Housing: President's house front yard

How To Use Fire Extinguishers

All Peru State College Campus buildings are equipped with fire extinguishers. Kitchens are equipped with Automatic Hood extinguishers that are for use in B and C and K type fires. (Grease Fires)

How to Use an Extinguisher: (Fires not bigger than a trash can only)  

  1. Check class of fire extinguisher (Class A-B-C for most fires).
  2. Check pressure gauge for needle over green area in indicator.
  3. Remove extinguisher from bracket and:

                        P     Pull the safety pin out and discard it. 

                        A     Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire. 

                        S      Squeeze the two handles together. 

                        S      Sweep back and forth at the base of the fire. 

  1. When fire appears to be out, back away, as it may suddenly flare up again.

Fire Extinguisher Instructions


If an earthquake strikes when you are inside:

  • Stay inside.
  • Watch out for falling plaster, light fixtures, glass, bookcases, etc.
  • Stay away from windows and mirrors. Either crawl under a table or desk, sit or stand against an inside wall away from windows, or stand in a strong inside doorway. Assist others if necessary.
  • Do not use open flames.

If an earthquake strikes when you are outside:

  • Avoid high buildings, walls, power poles, and other objects that may fall. Move to open areas away from hazards.
  • If surrounded by buildings, seek shelter in the nearest strong one.

If an earthquake strikes when you are in an automobile:

  • Stop in the nearest open area if possible.
  • Stay in the vehicle.

After the tremor is over:

  • Check for injured people. Do not move seriously injured people unless they are in immediate danger.
  • If it appears that the buildings may have been damaged, evacuate. Aftershocks can level severely damaged buildings.
  • Do not use the telephone except to report an emergency. If a call is necessary, dial 911 and report the emergency situation. Be sure to give them your name, office location, and telephone extension.
  • Do not use plumbing or anything electrical (including elevators) until after the utility and electrical lines have been checked.
  • Open doors carefully, watching for objects that may fall.
  • Do not use open flames that may ignite gases from disrupted utility lines.
  • Do not use matches or lighters. Natural gas lines may have been disrupted. Watch for fires that may have started.
  • Keep streets clear for emergency vehicles.
  • Be prepared for additional earthquake shocks.             

Flash Flood

During a flood:

  • Listen to a battery-powered radio for emergency information.
  • Evacuate as instructed by emergency personnel.
  • If outdoors:
    • Climb to higher ground and stay there. o Avoid waking through floodwaters. If moving swiftly, even water six inches deep can be dangerous.
  • If in a vehicle:
    • If coming to a flooded area, turn around and go another direction.
    • If the car stalls, abandon it immediately and climb to higher ground.
  • During an evacuation:
    • If advised to evacuate, do so immediately.
    • Evacuation is safer when completed before flood waters become too deep for vehicles.
    • Listen to battery-powered radio for evacuation instructions.
    • Follow recommended evacuation routes as shortcuts may be blocked.
    • Leave early enough to avoid being stranded by flooded roads.
  • After a flood:
    • Do not return to a flooded area until directed by authorities. o Stay out of buildings if flood waters remain around the building. o Use extreme caution when entering buildings. Watch for loose plaster and ceilings that could fall.
    • Be alert for fire hazards, such as broken or leaking gas lines, flooded electrical circuits, submerged appliances, and flammable or explosive materials           

Severe Weather

If a severe weather watch or warning has been issued for Nemaha County, Nebraska by the National Weather Service:

  • The college will put out information via one of the college communication systems.
  • Individuals should also monitor weather conditions online or on a local radio station for up-to-date weather information.
  • In the event weather is severe, individuals will be directed to take shelter in designated safety areas. Designated safety areas are posted at all entry doors in each building.


Lightning strikes are of serious concern in the Midwest. If lightning threatens when employees and and students are inside:

  • Stay indoors.
  • Keep away from open doors or windows, radiators, metal pipes, sinks, and objects connected to outlets such as radios, lamps, etc.
  • Do not use objects which are connected to electrical outlets.
  • Do not use telephone as lightning may strike telephone lines.

If lightning threatens when you are outdoors:

  • Seek shelter inside a building if possible.
  • When no shelter is available, avoid the highest object in the area (trees, poles, etc.). Avoid being the tallest object in the area yourself.  If trees are nearby, your best protection is to squat down and minimize contact with the ground (do not lie on ground), remaining a safe distance from trees (out of reach if a tree were to fall).
  • Avoid carrying any metal object.
  • If an electrical charge is felt (hair stands on end, skin tingles), lightning may be about to strike. Drop to your knees and bend forward, placing your hands on your knees.

If you encounter an individual struck by lightning:

  • Individuals struck by lightning may be burned but carry no electrical charge and can be handled safely.
  • Call 911 followed by Campus Security (402-872-2411).
  • If certified in first aid and CPR, individuals can often be revived by prompt CPR being performed.            


Tornado Watches and Warnings are issued by the National Weather Service when the probability exists that a significant threat could develop over a wide area. Warnings are issued for much smaller areas and periods of time than watches.

Tornado Watch means that conditions are favorable for tornadoes to form. Be alert to weather conditions and announcements. In the event the College is under a tornado watch, Campus Security will ensure exterior doors to buildings and tornado shelter areas designated within buildings are unlocked and available as a precaution in the event shelter is necessary.

Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted or radar indicates rotation in the clouds. TAKE SHELTER!

If a tornado warning has been issued for Nemaha County, Nebraska by the National Weather Service:

  • The City of Peru may sound tornado sirens to notify the community in the event of a tornado warning.
  • The College emergency messaging system and two-way radio system will be activated to ensure the campus community is aware of the warning.
  • All individuals on campus will be directed to take shelter in designated safety areas. Designated safety areas are posted in each building.


  • Move quickly to the tornado shelter in the building – this is typically the lowest level of the building. (see shelter in place weather)
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Stay away from windows.
  • If a tornado strikes, help avoid telephone overloads. Do not use telephones (including cell phones) except for emergency.          


  • Seek indoor shelter if possible. Every building on campus has a designated tornado shelter.  See list below for each buildings location.
  • Parked motor vehicles are unsafe. Seek indoor shelter.
  • If an indoor shelter is not available and there is not time for escape, lie flat in a ditch or low spot.
  • If you are on flat ground and are caught in the path of a tornado, always move at right angles to its path.           

Tornado Shelter Locations:

You should familiarize yourself with the location of Tornado Shelters on campus.  Tornado Shelter locations are posted on the emergency evacuation maps in each building.

  • Administration:  Basement storage room
  • Library: Lower Level men’s restroom
  • Cats: Basement study area
  • Student Center: Basement resource room
  • TJ majors: Basement main hallway
  • AV Larson: Basement hallway
  • Jindra: Black Box Theater
  • Hoyt: Basement hallway by stairs
  • Jerry Joy Locker Room/Field House: Center Meeting Room
  • AWAC: Fitness Center locker rooms (both men’s and women’s)
  • Campus Services: Lower level by stairs
  • PAC: East Hallway  in Green Room and Dressing Rooms

Resident Halls:

  • Morgan Hall: Basement East hallway
  • Delzell Hall: Basement hallway
  • Complex: Basement hallways between buildings

Outside sporting areas:

  • Baseball and Softball fields: Complex basements
  • Oak Bowl Field level:  Old fieldhouse locker room
  • Oak Bowl Upper level: Delzell basement


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