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Campus Shelter In Place Procedures


The term, Shelter-in-Place, means to seek immediate shelter and remain there during an emergency rather than evacuate the area.  Certain events may necessitate the initiation of the college’s Shelter-in-Place protocol.

Once the decision has been made, Peru State Security will instruct the campus community to Shelter-in-Place.  This notification will be made using all means of communication available, including Campus Emergency Alert System, and 2-way radios.

3 instances when Shelter-in-Place protocol may be used are:

  • Shelter-In-Place Hazardous
  • Shelter-In-Place Violent Person
  • Shelter-In-Place Weather

Shelter In-Place hazardous incident:

Example: A hazardous materials spill

In the event of a critical incident where hazardous (including chemical, biological or radiological) materials may have been released into the atmosphere either accidentally or intentionally, a decision to Shelter-in-Place may be the preferred method of safety waiting out the release.  The following recommendations should be considered:

  • Move to rooms with no windows that can open or are open.
  • Rooms that have little or no ventilation are preferred.
  • Close any open windows and doors if you cannot move.
  • Remain in this location until told that it is safe by Peru State Security.

Faculty or Staff Responsibilities

  • Close all exterior doors and windows. Harmful chemicals or other contaminants could enter the building through an open door or window.
  • In a very serious emergency, it may be necessary to limit the amount of outside air coming into the building through ventilation systems.
    • in these cases, Campus Service Maintenance staff will disable air intake units until the danger has passed.
  • Move to the safest place in the room, away from and below windows.
  • You should be able to move from the room quickly if needed so be sure that personal belongings are gathered such as wallets and car keys.
  • For safety of individuals with disabilities, consider that they may need assistance evacuating.
  • WAIT to be contacted. Do not return to exterior areas or evacuate classroom, offices, or sheltered areas unless told to do so by emergency personnel or delegate.

Shelter-in-Place Violent Person

Example: An active shooter or hostage situation.

If there is a need to lockdown the campus as a precaution or as a protective measure during a (potentially) violent situation, please follow these steps for your classroom, office suite, conference room, etc.

Faculty or Staff Responsibilities

  • Remain calm and communicate with others in a clear and concise manner. Tell others exactly what the situation is and what you need them to do.
  • Lock the door to the room. If the door does not have a lock, secure or block the entrance with objects within the room (tables, bookcase, desk, etc.). Work together and act quickly.
  • Turn off the lights, stay quiet and stay away from doors and windows.
  • Do not allow access once the room is secure, as this will compromise the safety of those inside.
  • Wait for further instructions and do not allow anyone to leave until Peru State College Campus Security Department or emergency responders release the building.

Shelter-in-Place (weather)

A severe weather event such as a tornado or wind event during normal operating hours of the College may necessitate you to Shelter-in-Place until the threat of bad weather has passed.  Relocating from your normal work area to a space that has no windows or to a lower floor may increase your chances of survival.

 It is recommended that you:

  • Move to the designated tornado shelter of the building.
  • Move to an interior room with no windows, or a hallway on the lowest floor possible.
  • Move to an interior stairwell if all rooms have windows.
  • Stay in center of room away from doors and windows.
  • Stay in place until the danger has passed.

Faculty and Staff Responsibilities

  • As a group, proceed immediately in a calm orderly manner, to the building storm shelter
  • For safety of individuals with disabilities, consider that they may need assistance evacuating. Provide direction to others in need.
  • Stay with students, keeping them in a group.
  • ACCOUNT for all students and employees
  • IMMEDIATELY report any missing students or employees to a Peru State College Campus Security Office
  • WAIT to be contacted. Do not leave shelter until an all clear is given

Campus Tornado Shelter Locations

You should familiarize yourself with the location of Tornado Shelters on campus. Tornado Shelter locations are posted on the emergency evacuation maps in each building.

  • Administration: Basement storage room
  • Library: Lower Level men’s restroom
  • Cats: Basement study area
  • Student Center: Basement resource room
  • TJ majors: Basement main hallway
  • AV Larson: Basement hallway
  • Jindra: Black Box Theater
  • Hoyt: Basement hallway by stairs
  • Jerry Joy Locker Room/Field House: Center Meeting Room
  • AWAC: Fitness Center locker rooms (both men’s and women’s)
  • Campus Services: Lower level by stairs
  • PAC: East Hallway  in Green Room and Dressing Rooms

Resident Halls:

  • Morgan Hall: Basement East hallway
  • Delzell Hall: Basement hallway
  • Complex: Basement hallways between buildings
  • Oak Hill and Faculty Housing: Take cover in restrooms get in tub for extra protection

Outside sporting areas:

  • Baseball and Softball fields: Complex basements
  • Oak Bowl Field level: Old fieldhouse locker room
  • Oak Bowl Upper level: Delzell basement
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