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Council for Exceptional Children

Peru State College's education organization for special education majors.

Council for Exceptional Children is an international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted.


Faculty Sponsor:
Dr. Helane Folske-Starlin

What is CEC?
“The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the leading voice for special and gifted education. Through the vision and dedication of more than 27,000 members, CEC sets the standard for high quality education for children and youth with exceptionalities. The Council ensures the needs of children and youth with exceptionalities are met in educational legislation, establishes professional standards for the field and develops initiatives to improve special education practice. CEC is THE source for information, resources and professional development for special educators” (Council for Exceptional Children, 2016).

The State/Provincial Unit chapter of CEC at Peru State College provides a means for networking, professional development, and information-sharing for members.  We are primarily made up of elementary and secondary education majors, all with a particular interest in special education and an internal drive to better the field while also growing personally and professionally.  Students of all majors and interests are encouraged and welcome to join!  We believe that, each individual member brings with them his/her own personal strengths and ask for the active participation of all members.


  • Access to award winning material
  • Online seminars
  • Professional journal access
  • National CEC Convention and Expo
  • Information regarding current research and practice
  • Special interest divisions
  • Networking

 How much does it cost?
In order to join the student chapter at Peru State, there is a minimal fee of $15.00.

When and where are the meetings?
Council for Exceptional Children meets every Thursday at 11:00 in TJ Majors 230. 

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