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Measure 1: Completer Impact and Effectiveness

Currently, Peru State College and Nebraska do not provide value-added measures (VAM) data from P-12 professionals that directly align with CAEP measure 1 of component 4.1. The EPP will explore methods of collecting data that align with CAEP. The data provided, indicating the perception of teacher impact on P-12 learning and development, will serve as a placeholder.

Data was gathered related to employer satisfaction of first and third-year teachers in Nebraska through the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) survey sent to principals. The trend in Nebraska First and Third-Year Teacher Surveys, principals responded overwhelmingly that teachers who graduated from Peru State College consistently had a positive impact on P-12 student learning and development, and that Peru State College graduates compared very favorably with graduates from all other teacher-preparation programs across the state.  A summary of these results follows.

Based on the performance of this first-year teacher, how would you rate his/her impact on student learning?

Category Principal Responses Principal Sample Size Response Rate
Peru 2020 8 15 53%
State of Nebraska 2020 399 663 60%
Peru 2021 12 24 50%
State of Nebraska 2021 422 729 58%
Peru 2022 18 23 78%
State of Nebraska 2022 401 651 63%
Peru 2023 14 44 66.67%
State of Nebraska 2023 474 872 54.36%


  Highly Effective Moderately Effective Somewhat Effective Ineffective
Peru 2020 50% 50% 0% 0%
State of Nebraska 2020 50% 40% 9% 1%
Peru 2021 50% 25% 25% 0%
State of Nebraska 2021 49% 40% 10% 1%
Peru 2022 33% 67% 0% 0%
State of Nebraska 2022 47% 43% 0% 0%
Peru 2023 14% 78.6% 7.1% 0%
State of Nebraska 2023 17.8% 69% 13.8% 0.4%


Based on the performance of this third-year teacher, how would you rate his/her impact on student learning?
Category Principal Responses Principal Sample Size Response Rate
Peru 2020 15 19 79%
State of Nebraska 2020 456 607 75%
Peru 2021 10 15 67%
State of Nebraska 2021 391 627 49%
Peru 2022 11 17 65%
State of Nebraska 2022 283 470 60%
Peru 2023 9 18 50%
State of Nebraska 2023 276 510 54.12%


  Highly Effective Moderately Effective Somewhat Effective Ineffective
Peru 2020 64% 29% 7% 0%
State of Nebraska 2020 61% 31% 6% 2%
Peru 2021 60% 30% 10% 0%
State of Nebraska 2021 60% 35% 5% 0%
Peru 2022 55% 36% 9% 0%
State of Nebraska 2022 60% 33% 6% 1%
Peru 2023 66.7% 33.3% 0% 0%
State of Nebraska 2023 39.1% 52.2% 8.7% 0%

The Nebraska Department of Education did not begin collecting Third-Year Teacher Survey data until 2018.

Data was gathered of first-year and third-year teachers in Nebraska through the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) survey sent to principals. In the 2021 Nebraska First and Third-Year Teacher Surveys, all Peru State College-prepared teachers were scored by their principals according to the knowledge skills and dispositions for teaching evidenced in the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards.  The data table indicates that in most standards Peru State College teachers are below the state average but by their third year, overwhelmingly all Peru State College-prepared teachers are performing at the proficient level of performance.

*The InTASC standards were updated in 2021.  Additional years will be added to this data table as it becomes available.

First-Year Teachers (Principal Response) 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023
InTASC Standards Peru State College (N=12) Statewide
Peru State College
Peru State College
1. Learner Development (CAEP R1.1) 1.7 2.22 1.83 1.93 1.4 1.9
2. Learner Differences (CAEP R1.1) 1.6 1.95 1.82 1.92 1.6 1.8
3. Learning Environments (CAEP R1.1) 1.98 2.22 2 2.12 1.3 2.0
4. Content Knowledge (CAEP R1.2) 1.95 2.14 2.05 2.10 1.3 2.0
5. Application of Content (CAEP R1.2) 1.72 1.92 1.81 1.91 1.5 1.9
6. Assessment (CAEP R1.3) 1.6 1.93 1.88 1.96 1.6 1.9
7. Planning for Instruction (CAEP R1.3) 1.79 2.02 1.97 2 1.5 1.9
8. Instructional Strategies (CAEP R1.3) 1.8 2.03 1.98 1.98 1.4 1.9
9. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice (CAEP R1.4) 2.1 2.17 2.08 2.14 1.4 2.0
10. Leadership and Collaboration (CAEP R1.4) 1.95 2.21 2.14 2.11 1.4 2.0


Third-Year Teachers (Principal Response) 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023
InTASC Standards Peru State College (N=10) Statewide (N=391) Peru State College
Statewide (N=283) Peru State College
Statewide (N=276)
1. Learner Development (CAEP R1.1) 2 2.22 2.18 2.22 1.3 2.2
2. Learner Differences (CAEP R1.1) 1.9 2.2 2.18 2.14 1.3 2.2
3. Learning Environments (CAEP R1.1) 2.4 2.39 2.36 2.34 1.1 2.3
4. Content Knowledge (CAEP R1.2) 2.3 2.31 2.24 2.29 1.1 2.3
5. Application of Content (CAEP R1.2) 2.2 2.19 2.18 2.11 1.2 2.1
6. Assessment (CAEP R1.3) 2.2 2.2 2 2.14 1.2 2.2
7. Planning for Instruction (CAEP R1.3) 2.3 2.2 2.32 2.18 1.1 2.2
8. Instructional Strategies (CAEP R1.3) 2.3 2.2 2.09 2.17 1.2 2.2
9. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice (CAEP R1.4) 2.1 2.3 2.27 2.21 1.2 2.3
10. Leadership and Collaboration (CAEP R1.4) 2.1 2.3 2.14 2.23 1.2 2.3

Mean ratings based on a 3-point scale:  0 = Below Standard; 1 = Developing; 2 = Proficient; 3 = Advanced

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