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Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement

Data was gathered related to employer satisfaction of first and third-year teachers in Nebraska through the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) survey sent to principals. In the 2017-2022 Nebraska First and Third-Year Teacher Surveys, principals responded overwhelmingly that teachers who graduated from Peru State College were effectively prepared and would be retained by the school district.  A summary of these trend results follows.

First-Year Teacher Responses

Would you consider this teacher effectively prepared for continuing employment in your district? 

Year Principal Responses Principal Sample Size Response Rate % Indicating YES
2017 18 26 69% 95%
2018 15 29 52% 95%
2019 16 27 59% 94%
2020 8 15 53% 100%
2021 12 24 50% 92%
2022 18 23 78% 100%
2023 14 44 66.67% 100%

Third-Year Teacher Responses

Would you consider this teacher effectively prepared for continuing employment in your district?

Year Principal Responses Principal Sample Size Response Rate % Indicating YES
2017 N/A N/A N/A N/A
2018 35 48 73% 97%
2019 17 21 81% 100%
2020 15 19 79% 93%
2021 10 15 67% 100%
2022 11 17 65% 100%
2023 9 18 50% 100%

*The Nebraska Department of Education did not begin collecting Third-Year Teacher Survey data until 2018

Advisory Board

The Peru State College School of Education Advisory Board held its first meeting on July 25, 2022. Minutes, including feedback/input from the meeting are found below.

July 25, 2022 Advisory Board Minutes

January 23, 2023 Advisory Board Minutes

July 24, 2023 Advisory Board Minutes

January 29, 2024 Advisory Board Minutes

College Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher Survey of the Program

One way stakeholders take place in the design of our program is through surveys. A survey is distributed to College Supervisors and Cooperating Teachers each semester and reviewed by EPP Faculty each year during our Summer Annual Assessment Retreat. The three-year trend for the surveys shows that overwhelmingly, all stakeholders are satisfied with how the current program design is meeting teacher candidates' needs.

2019-2020 College Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher Survey of the Program

2020-2021 College Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher Survey of the Program

2021-2022 College Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher Survey of the Program


Survey of Teacher Candidate Program Fall 2022

Survey of Teacher Candidate Program Spring 2023


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