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Graduation from the Honors Program

Students must complete the requirements below with a minimum GPA of 3.0 for all honors courses and a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher for all courses. Dismissal from the Honors Program may be initiated by the Director if a student’s GPA for honors courses remains below 3.0 for two semesters and/or if a student’s cumulative GPA remains below 3.25 for two consecutive semesters.  Dismissal may be appealed; appeals are initiated by contacting the Director of the Honors Program.

Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
HP 101 Honors Orientation 2
HP Honors course 3
HP Honors course 3
HP Honors course 3
HP Honors course 3
HP Honors course 3
HP or Engagement Honors course or approved Honors component option* 3
HP or Engagement Honors course or approved Honors component option* 3
  Total Credit Hours 23

*Honors component options include:

  • Leading and/or participating in service-learning activities. Consult the Honors Program Director about requirements for fulfilling this option.
  • Leading and/or participating in study-abroad or other similar activities. Consult the Honors Program Director about requirements for fulfilling this option.
  • Students may take up to up to six (6) hours of approved 300-400 level general studies courses in lieu of 100-200 level courses outside the student’s major or minor areas of study as described in the General Studies Enhancement and Enrichment section below.
  • Each School will develop guidelines for additional components for regular disciplinary courses that Honors students could complete in order to count that course towards the Honors requirements. Examples may include research projects, public performances or presentations, or other activities that would be above and beyond what would normally be done in the course.
  • All students taking a course without the HP catalog description must submit the required paperwork to the Director of the Honors program, who upon review and approval, will forward it to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and ultimately, the Registrar, who shall record such approval in the individual student’s academic record.

Graduation with "Distinction" from the Honors Program

Students Must Complete a Mentored Scholarship Project

Honors Students wishing to graduate with distinction must engage in a genuine scholarly or creative endeavor in collaboration with a faculty member willing to support the student’s efforts. Generally, these will be completed in the senior year, and will include 3 credit hours of independent study in the topic of choice. The credit hours may be divided among two semesters if appropriate to the project. The scholarly project is not limited by academic discipline or by the form of the intellectual product expected at the termination of the project. No later than in their junior year, Honors Students should consult faculty with whom they have an interest in working to develop a plan for the scholarly experience. Prior to beginning the study, the project plan must be approved by the Director of the Honors Program. Students should contact the Director for more information, including specific guidelines, examples of past projects, and advice on designing projects.

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