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Emeritus Faculty Information

Emeritus status may be granted by the Board at its pleasure, to tenured faculty members, or professional staff members who previously held a tenured faculty position at the College, upon retirement. Emeritus status is awarded by the Board to recognize employees who are nominated by the College for their significant contributions and service to the institution.

Nominations for Emeritus status shall be made in writing, shall describe the full history of services and contributions to the College and shall provide justification for the nomination. The College President’s approval is required in order for the nomination to move forward. Approved nominations shall be submitted to the Board through the Chancellor and shall include the Chancellor’s and the President’s recommendations. Should the nomination be approved by the Board prior to Commencement activities at the end of the individual’s final year of service to the College, Emeritus status may be announced during the ceremony.

  1.  An individual may be nominated for Emeritus status once his/her letter of retirement has been submitted and accepted by the College. The following are the minimum criteria for consideration for the granting of Emeritus status. Because an individual meets the minimum criteria should not be considered adequate justification for recommending Emeritus status.
  2. Completion of a minimum of fifteen (15) years of full-time employment at the State College;
  3. Earned rank of full Professor;
  4. Exemplary performance in the areas of teaching, scholarship/creative activities, and service throughout his/her tenure at the College
  5. Demonstrated leadership and collaboration.

To nominate a retired or retiring faculty member for Emeriti status, please provide the following:

  1.  Completed Emeritus Nomination Form
  2. Letter of nomination

The Vice President for Academic Affairs will share the nomination with the faculty member, obtain the nominee's curriculum vita, and gather additional materials needed for the process.

Board Policy 5017  describes the process, requirements, and responsibilities for Emeriti status.

Peru State College Emeriti Faculty

  • Ken Anderson (1984-2016), Professor Emeritus of Art
  • Bill Clemente (1992-2018), Professor Emeritus of English
  • Sara Crook (1984-2022), Professor Emerita of Political Science and History
  • Spencer Davis (1984-2017), Professor Emeritus of History
  • Judy Grotrian (1998-2019), Professor Emerita of Business
  • Dan Holtz (1987-2016), Professor Emeritus of English 
  • Christy Hutchison (2004-2021), Professor Emerita of Business
  • Paul Kruse (1969-1994), Assistant Professor Emeritus of Library Science
  • Kelly Liewer (1968-1997), Registrar Emeritus
  • Daryl Long (1967-2017), Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
  • James Nevitt (2002-2022), Professor Emeritus of Psychology
  • David Pippert (1977-1999), Professor Emeritus of Natural Science
  • Bill Snyder (1979-2011), Professor Emeritus of Business
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