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Council for Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

Mission & Purpose

The Council for Diversity, Equality and Inclusion seeks to engage the entire Peru State College community in the important work related to diversity, equality, and inclusion. Peru State College and the Council recognize that all members of the community are responsible for fostering an inclusive environment on campus and preparing our students for an increasingly diverse world.

The Council is a campus-wide leadership team made up of students, faculty and staff with a mission of providing strategic leadership in the areas of inclusion, equality, and diversity. Our goal is to create a community that is welcoming and supportive of each of its members.

The Council for Diversity, Equality and Inclusion will:
*Work to foster increased diversity, equality and inclusion among faculty, staff and students.
*Collaborate with the President’s Office, administration, faculty, staff and students to create an environment on campus that embraces the rights of all to a safe place to work, study and live.
*Provide all members of our community opportunities to grow in our understanding and appreciation of our diversity.
*Seek to connect with issues around diversity, equality, and inclusion in the communities surrounding Peru State College and in the college’s service area.
*Provide support and resources for faculty and staff in addressing issues of diversity, equality, and inclusion.
*Serve as a college-wide committee in a consultancy based capacity for incidents of discrimination, harassment and bullying can be shared.

The Council will also seek to lead the dialogue on campus and improve the campus climate through programs and initiatives including:
• Assisting with the Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration;
• Programming for and engaging the campus community during February’s Diversity Awareness Month;
• Providing recommendations to the administration, faculty and staff about practices that encourage an appreciation of diversity and the fostering of a more inclusive campus environment, and;
• Providing additional programming developed throughout the year to collaborate with student organizations, faculty and administration in all areas of diversity, equality, and inclusion;

Council Members

Robert Ingram
Kristi Nies
Scott Walker-Parker
Angela Mandl leaving
Renita Closner
Carrie Mae Burnham
Sean Wilkerson
Turkan Ocal
Anantha Khatri
Christian Stacy
Daniel Hayes
Adam Cendejas
Roman Gentry
Donna Menke
Anthony Citrin
Grace Leu
Jonas Bailey
Stacy Bliss
Caleb Kozeny

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