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Master of Science in Organizational Management

Major (Master of Science in Organizational Management)

Program Overview

The Master of Science in Organizational Management (MSOM), 36 credit hours, is designed to enable individuals to acquire training as change agents to facilitate growth in their organizations and communities. Offering foundational courses in organizational management, Peru State College’s curriculum teaches management as an integrated discipline. This MSOM degree offers three focus areas:

  • Entrepreneurial and Economic Development to enhance your understanding of the organizational dynamics that drive creative businesses, organizations and communities;
  • Healthcare Administration to prepare future administrators with foundational principles of Healthcare and Business; and
  • Strategic Leadership and Communication to expand individuals' knowledge in leadership, communication, mentorship, and team design as they promote within their career.

Program Type: Major

Program Level: Graduate

Degree: Master of Science in Organizational Management

School: School of Education

Program Location: Online

Program Study Mode: Full-time, Online

Program Duration: 4 Years

Master of Science in Organizational Management Careers

A Master of Science in Organizational Management opens up a wide array of career opportunities across various industries and sectors. Graduates of this program are equipped with the knowledge and skills to excel in leadership and management roles.

a group of professionals

Management Consultant:
Management consultants advise organizations on improving efficiency, productivity, and overall performance. They analyze processes, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategic changes to enhance organizational
Human Resources Manager/Director:
HR managers oversee various HR functions such as recruitment, training, performance management, and employee relations. They ensure that HR practices align with organizational goals and strategies.
Operations Manager:
Operations managers are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of an organization. They manage production processes, logistics, supply chain management, and quality control to ensure efficient operations. Change Management Specialist:
Change management specialists help organizations navigate periods of transition and transformation. They develop strategies to minimize resistance to change, facilitate communication, and ensure that changes are implemented smoothly and effectively.
Project Manager:

Project managers plan, execute, and oversee projects within organizations. They manage project teams, resources, timelines, and budgets to achieve project objectives.
Training and Development Manager:
Training and development managers design and implement employee training programs to enhance skills and knowledge within organizations. They align training initiatives with strategic organizational goals.
Nonprofit Manager/Director:
Nonprofit managers oversee operations, fundraising efforts, and program development within nonprofit organizations. They ensure that the organization's mission is effectively carried out.

Program Requirements:

  • STEP ONE - Complete the Application for Admission (FREE)
    STEP TWO - Request your official college transcripts (not required if you completed your bachelor's degree from Chadron State or Wayne State)
    STEP THREE - Provide:
    two recommendation forms (preferably from a supervisor and coworker);
    a current Resume
    We promise a speedy response to your application, averaging about 24 hours to process. From there, we'll work together to enroll and get you moving toward your graduation goal ahead.

  • Fall even year:
    MGMT 550 Organizational Development and Change (3)
    MGMT 551 Program Evaluation (3)

    Spring odd year:
    MGMT 552 Management of Innovation and Growth (3)
    MGMT 553 Conflict Management and Mediation (3)

    Summer odd year:
    MGMT 601 Study Design and Data Analysis

    Summer even year:
    MGMT 602 Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

    Course Descriptions

    MGMT 550 Organization Development and Change (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    Organizational development is considered as a multi-step process that may involve a wide variety of interventions. Interventions from those involving basic human processes to those requiring planning at the strategic level are considered in this course, with a particular emphasis on selecting appropriate interventions based on thoughtful diagnosis of organizational issues.

    MGMT 551 Program Evaluation (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    The purposes, procedures, and techniques of effective evaluation processes are considered, with an emphasis on informing those involved in organization change efforts. Students have the opportunity to prepare a detailed evaluation plan.

    MGMT 552 Management of Innovation and Growth (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    Understanding innovation as a process and creating the conditions for this process to occur successfully within an organization are the main themes of this course. Common routes to organizational growth are also considered as is dealing with issues associated with rapid growth.

    MGMT 553 Conflict Management and Mediation (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    Conflict is inevitable, but it does not have to be debilitating for individuals and organizational/social systems. This course explores the theory and practice of dispute resolution using interest-based mediation and negotiation techniques. Students gain a broad understanding of mediation and negotiation strategies, learn skills that lead to greater success in managing conflict, and develop confidence in the mediation process as an effective means for resolving interpersonal, organizational, and community disputes.

    MGMT 601 Study Design and Data Collection (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    The development of appropriately phrased research questions and alternative methods of inquiry are considered, as are factors influencing validity and reliability. Although survey methods are considered in detail, qualitative approaches also receive attention.

    MGMT 602 Statistical Methods and Data Analysis (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    A variety of statistical techniques frequently used in social science research are covered. Using statistical software, interpreting data, and drawing appropriate conclusions are emphasized.

  • The Master of Science in Organizational Management is designed to enable individuals to acquire training as change agents to facilitate growth in their organizations and communities. The focus area in Entrepreneurial and Economic Development directly supports business growth and economic development. The course structure allows students to explore their own business and community enhancement projects.
    Fall odd year:
    MGMT 660 Theories of Entrepreneurship (3) 
    MGMT 661 New Venture Planning and Finance (3) 

    Spring even year:
    MGMT 662 E-Commerce and Internet Communication (3) 
    MGMT 663 Economic Development (3)

    Course Descriptions

    MGMT 660 Theories of Entrepreneurship (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    Individual and social perspectives regarding entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial activity are considered with an emphasis on understanding factors that facilitate entrepreneurship.

    MGMT 661 New Venture Planning and Financing (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    Various business planning and venture financing models are considered, as are resources available to facilitate these activities. Developing skills to evaluate the decisions made in these areas by others is emphasized.

    MGMT 662 E-Commerce and Internet Communication (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    E-commerce as a business model, particularly for new ventures, is considered. Sourcing support services and software for e-commerce and Internet marketing strategies are emphasized.

    MGMT 663 Economic Development (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    Economic development is considered from the perspective of a practical set of social policies, community strategies, and resources available at the local, state and federal level. Innovative regional and community approaches and planning for economic development are emphasized.

  • The addition of the focus in Healthcare Administration provides graduate education for students seeking a career, or advancement in a healthcare organization. Peru State College's Healthcare Administration focus is unique in its emphasis on the development of the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in various areas of the healthcare industry. The program is also designed to include courses that add to the tool kit of a healthcare administrator, such as understanding the complex and dynamic healthcare delivery systems, application of policies and laws in the workplace, financial and economic considerations, and the important aspects of informatics and use of data.
    Fall odd year:
    MGMT 630 Healthcare Delivery Systems (3) 
    MGMT 641 Healthcare Economics and Finance (3) 

    Spring even year:
    MGMT 642 Healthcare Information Systems (3) 
    MGMT 623 Healthcare Law, Policy and Compliance (3)

    Course Descriptions

    MGMT 623 Healthcare Law, Policy, and Compliance (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    This course covers the legal aspect of healthcare and regulatory requirements. The security of data and patient information will be reviewed including risks and privacy. External trends and regulations that affect healthcare systems will be discussed. 

    MGMT 630 Healthcare Delivery Systems (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    This class gives an overview of the American and some foreign health care systems for comparison. It includes the study of the evolution and current state of health care services. Included in the overview of systems are insurance, healthcare organizations, health professionals, health policies, and healthcare financing topics. Current socioeconomic issues impacting health care delivery and services will be discussed. 

    MGMT 641 Healthcare Economics and Finance (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    This course will enable learners to apply the tools of economics, finance, and strategy to address challenges faced by healthcare providers. Strategies for payers, manufacturers, and providers will be examined. Topics will include the role of economics, cost-effectiveness, market analysis, and financial projection. Case studies and current events will be integrated throughout to encourage discussions about healthcare economics and finance.

    MGMT 642 Healthcare Information Systems (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    This course will concentrate on the systems and data used in health care organizations. It is important that leaders understand the technologies policy; data and analytics; health informatics; people and processes; and systems management in the healthcare environment. Leaders in healthcare must ensure that privacy and security of information are achieved and maintained. The business objective of the organization must be maintained through the use of healthcare information systems. Current health care trends will influence the planning, selection, and implementation of those systems necessary to support those trends. 

  • The Master of Science in Organizational Management is designed to enable individuals to acquire training as change agents to facilitate growth in their organizations and communities.  The focus area in Strategic Leadership and Communication supports the development of theoretical and practical  problem-solving, culture building, analytical, and mentorship skills necessary for successful strategic leadership and communication within organizations. The course structure allows students to explore their own business and community enhancement projects.
    Fall odd year:
    MGMT 693 Team Design and Performance (3) 
    MGMT 665 Leadership Theory and Practice (3) 

    Spring even year:
    MGMT 634 Strategic Communication in Leadership (3) 
    MGMT 631 Executive Coaching and Mentoring (3)

    Course Descriptions

    MGMT 631 Executive Coaching and Mentoring (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    This course examines theoretical and practical coaching and mentorship techniques necessary for leaders to build a strong organizational culture and support the learning, development, performance, and motivation of individuals within their organization. Instruction will focus on the process, approaches, and benefits of coaching and mentoring. Various models will be discussed, and application of techniques will be focused upon in relation to adult learning theory.

    MGMT 634 Strategic Communication in Leadership (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    Students will learn how to communicate strategically, clearly, and persuasively across media in leadership roles. Students will learn about communication strategies and how to recognize stakeholder needs and effectively tailor communication to different audiences within and outside of the organization. Students will also learn how strategic communication impacts organizational culture, how to navigate crises and difficult conversations, and how to use data and information to effectively communicate. 

    MGMT 665 Leadership Theory and Practice (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    This course offers a theoretical view and practical approach to studying leadership. Conceptual-based aspects will include introducing various leadership styles, tactics, and theories. For practical application, students will also have the opportunity to learn more about their own tendencies in leadership scenarios and/or experiences based upon case study work and leadership assessments.

    MGMT 693 Team Design and Performance (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status

    This course examines the design and performance of work and decisional teams including team composition, authority, communication, roles, support, and leadership. This course will prepare the student to be a successful team member and leader by exploring team evolution, self-management, and conflict resolution. 

  • Students complete six hours of Thesis, Action Research Project, and/or Internship credit in advanced topic areas. The final paper should relate to the student's area of concentration and constitute the culminating experience in the Master of Science degree program. Two primary goals for graduate programs at Peru State College are flexibility and relevance. Students may propose to write detailed case studies, develop unique courses or programs for other institutions or the community, research and write substantial grant proposals, etc.

    Course Descriptions

    MGMT 695 Graduate Internship (3-6)
    A student may select to propose an internship that will allow him/her to apply the concepts from the graduate degree program.  A minimum of 45 hours is completed for each credit hour of internship that the student selects to complete. A final reflective paper that demonstrates the knowledge and skills gained in relation to the focus of the program is required. 

    MGMT 696 Thesis/Action Research Project I (3)

    The Action Research Project should relate to the student’s area of interest and professional practice, and should represent the culmination of the program. It may consist of an approved research project or alternative, e.g., a grant application and implementation.

    The Thesis involves formal research of a topic related to the student’s field of interest. It can conform to experimental, descriptive, or historical approaches, and is presented in the most current standard APA (American Psychological Association) five-chapter configuration. Unlike an Action Research Project, the focus of the endeavor will not be the participant’s own teaching situation.

    MGMT 697 Thesis/Action Research Project II (3)

    The Action Research Project should relate to the student’s area of interest and professional practice, and should represent the culmination of the program. It may consist of an approved research project or alternative, e.g., a grant application and implementation.

    The Thesis involves formal research of a topic related to the student’s field of interest. It can conform to experimental, descriptive, or historical approaches, and is presented in the most current standard APA (American Psychological Association) five-chapter configuration. Unlike an Action Research Project, the focus of the endeavor will not be the participant’s own teaching situation.

  • Graduate credit earned from another accredited graduate institution may be applied toward the Master of Science degree provided:
    (1) the hours are of a grade of "B" or above;
    (2) the credits would have counted toward a graduate degree program at the institution where earned;
    (3) courses must have been completed within the last seven years from the date of the first class with Peru State; and
    (4) the credits have been approved by the appropriate Academic Dean.

    Master of Science in Organizational Management Program
    A maximum of nine (9) hours that have been applied toward an earned graduate degree can be applied toward the core courses in the MSOM degree, subject to evaluation and approval by the Academic Dean. A maximum of nine (9) graduate credits (fifteen [15] from the Nebraska University System or eighteen [18] from a Nebraska State College), subject to evaluation by the Academic Dean may be transferred from another regionally accredited graduate institution and applied toward a degree.  

    Credits taken at Peru State College prior to admission to the graduate program must fall within the seven-year time frame allowed for program completion; however, exceptions may be allowed according to the Nebraska State College System Board policy. Transfer credits are applied toward elective credits only within the program. A maximum of nine (9) transfer credit hours may be applied toward the degree requirements.

    Students must request permission from their Academic Dean for approval of transfer credits to be applied to a program of study by submitting the Transfer Request Form located on the Graduate Programs website, Current Students page and by requesting that an official transcript from the institution where credit was received be sent to the Graduate Programs Office.

    The Academic Dean retains the right to request a student to provide course descriptions/syllabi for the courses being considered for transfer. We recommend all transfer credit requests be submitted during the initial admission phase and prior to the beginning of the program of study.

  • Graduate Double-Major
    Upon admission to Peru State College a student will apply for only one (1) graduate degree. An additional focus area may be completed within the time frame of the desired degree. All prescribed requirements for the degree must be successfully completed. Second Master's Degree
    A student holding a master's degree may seek a second master's degree in another degree area.

    A second master's requires:

    Admissions application
    Submission of official transcript
    Second Master's Degree approval form No more than eighteen (18) course credits of approved coursework from the previous degree may be applied toward a second master's degree.  A grade of B or higher must be earned and be no older than seven years by completion of a second degree at Peru State.  Individuals will follow the academic requirements of the College Catalog in effect at the time of their readmission to pursue an additional degree.

  • All requirements for the Master of Science degree must be completed within a period of seven years from the date the student registers for the first graduate course applicable toward his/her degree.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • With a Master of Science in Organizational Management, you're equipped for diverse leadership roles across industries. Whether as a management consultant driving organizational efficiency, a human resources manager overseeing talent and development, or an operations manager ensuring smooth day-to-day functions, your skills are highly valued. You could specialize in change management, project management, or training and development, or lead nonprofits, start your own business, or navigate strategic planning in academia. This degree empowers you with the knowledge and expertise to excel as a leader, driving organizational success and growth through effective management strategies.

  • In a Master of Science in Organizational Management program, you'll delve into the intricacies of effective leadership and management within organizations. From understanding individual and group behavior to crafting and executing strategic plans, you'll explore topics such as change management, leadership theory, human resource management, operations optimization, and ethical decision-making. With a focus on fostering innovation, driving organizational change, and maximizing efficiency, the program equips you with the skills to lead diverse teams, navigate complex challenges, and promote sustainable growth in a global business landscape. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical applications, you'll emerge prepared to tackle the dynamic demands of organizational leadership with confidence and competence.

  • In the online Master of Science in Organizational Management program at Peru State College, you'll engage in a comprehensive curriculum covering key aspects of effective leadership and management within organizations. Courses span topics such as organizational behavior, strategic management, leadership ethics, human resource management, operations optimization, financial management, and strategic decision-making. You'll also explore organizational development, communication strategies, research methods, and the global business environment. The program culminates in a capstone project or thesis, allowing you to apply your knowledge to real-world challenges. Through this holistic approach, you'll develop the skills and expertise needed to lead teams, drive organizational success, and thrive in today's dynamic business landscape.

  • The Master of Science in Organizational Management program at Peru State College Online typically comprises 36 credit hours of coursework. Full-time students may complete the program in about 1.5 to 2 years by taking a standard course load each term, while part-time students may take around 2.5 to 3.5 years or more to finish, depending on their pace and commitments. Flexible scheduling options and opportunities for credit transfer may further affect the duration of the program. It's recommended for prospective students to consult with academic advisors to tailor a plan of study that aligns with their individual circumstances and academic objectives.

  • Peru State College supports students and alumni in their career pursuits through comprehensive career services. These include job search assistance, resume building, interview preparation, and access to job boards and internship opportunities. The college's Career Services Center provides a range of resources to help students connect with potential employers and navigate their career paths successfully.

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