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Credit for Prior Learning Policy

Students may earn college credit for some experiences and accomplishments outside of the normal college setting. Credit may be granted through standardized examination programs (e.g., CLEP, DANTES, APP), the credit recommendations of the American Council of Education (ACE), and/or an evaluation of an individual portfolio or examination by the appropriate academic department of the College. Students should begin this process by contacting the Academic Dean of Professional Studies for assistance regarding which path to acquiring Prior Learning Credit is most appropriate.
The College’s general policies for awarding credit for extra-institutional learning follow:

  1. Prior Learning credits are considered transfer credits and are subject to the same policies as other transfer credits.
    1. A maximum of (90) semester credit hours from an accredited four-year college or university and extra- institutional sources may be applied toward the minimum 120 hours required for a Bachelor’s degree. Of these (90) semester hours, a maximum of (66) semester hours may be from a community/vocational/technical college, proficiency exams (CLEP, DANTES, APP, etc.) professional exams, prior learning credit, or other extra-institutional sources.
  2. Only individuals who have not participated in similar scheduled coursework are eligible to receive life experience credit.
  3. Credit by examination may be earned only once in a single subject. A similar subject test in another testing program will not earn additional credits.
  4. Credit may be granted for specific courses, or for general prior learning experiences for which there is no course equivalent at the College. The amount of credit to be allowed through College examination or individual portfolio evaluation, the Peru State course(s) for which substitution, if any, is made, and the particular graduation requirements which may be satisfied will be determined by the Academic Dean of the appropriate School. The maximum allowable amount of prior learning credit for specific course substitution and general prior learning combined is (66) semester hours.
  5. For Bachelor of Science students, the maximum amount of credit granted for general life experiences (i.e., those that do not fit directly into a specific course offered by the College) is (21) hours.
  6. For Bachelor of Applied Science students, the maximum amount of credit granted for general prior learning experiences deemed to be the equivalent of a technical associate degree is (66) hours.

Generally, a portfolio of evidence of extra-institutional learning is required for those interested in acquiring prior learning credits. To assist students interested in developing a portfolio for this purpose, the College requires participation in College 201 Prior Learning/Life Experience Portfolio Development. Portfolios will be evaluated on the level of learning evidenced by leadership and community service experiences, professional work experiences, creative contributions to society, and completion of professional training. Some common professional training programs have already been evaluated and prior learning credit determinations made (e.g., for the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training program). Contact the Academic Dean of Professional Studies for current information.

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