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Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation | CARE

Chair: Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs


  • Dean of Student Life
  • Assistant Director of Residence Life
  • Director of Assessment, Research and Student Success
  • Licensed Student Counselor
  • Representative from Academic Affairs
  • Director of Human Resources
  • Security Supervisor
  • Tutorial/ADA Coordinator
  • Other individuals as necessary based upon situation and/or individual being assessed

Purpose: The charge of the CARE Team is to assess circumstances, enhance communication, and initiate appropriate responses to specific behavioral problems that may involve threats to the safety and security of the campus community.

Responsibilities: If a member of the campus community observes any behavior that is concerning and that needs to be brought to the attention of the CARE Team, individuals may report the behavior using the online report form or by contacting the Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Office.  The team receives reports of disruptive, problematic or concerning behavior or misconduct (from coworkers, community members, friends, colleagues, etc), conducts an investigation, performs a threat assessment, and determines the best mechanisms for support, intervention, warning/notification and response. The team then deploys its resources and resources of the community and coordinates follow-up.  The CARE Team will meet on a regular basis and can be convened by any member of the team at any time to respond to concerning situations.  The team will develop a database of reports in order to identify patterns of behavior over a period of time and to track responses to reports.

Authority: The CARE Team’s authority will be derived from the already existing authority of the individuals who comprise it; the team will not be endowed with any additional authority; and the team will not create new policies or rules, rather they will work within existing rules and policies and propose any new rules or policies through existing processes.

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