Who Do I Tell On Campus?

Reports can be filed by the alleged victim or a third party who is aware of allegations of sexual violence or sex harassment, including other students or College employees. Reports should be filed with one of the designated College administrators and/or employees responsible for student services, as follows:

  • President
  • Vice Presidents
  • Academic Deans
  • College Title IX Coordinator and designees
  • Dean of Students and Associate Vice Presidents for Student Affairs
  • Housing/Residence Life Staff including:
    • Directors
    • Managers
    • Assistant Directors
    • All Residence Hall Advisors
  • Athletic Directors and Associate Athletic Directors
  • All Coaches
  • Campus Security Officers

Please note that all individuals are required to report any situations that might be a Title IX violation to the Title IX Coordinator with the following exception:

Exception Regarding Employee Reporting: The law recognizes and protects the confidentiality of communications between a person seeking care and a medical or mental health professional. Medical or mental health professionals employed by the College (Licensed Student Counselors and Nurses) respect and protect confidential communications from students, faculty, and staff to the extent they are legally able to do so. Employees may have to breach confidence, however, when they perceive an immediate and serious threat to any person or property.

Title IX
Eulanda Cade, Title IX Coordinator